Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Researching a Purchase at Consumersearch.Com

When I am going to make a big purchase, like a TV or computer, I like to do some research. With many review websites (like SuckyStuff) it can take some time.

One of the biggest problems with trusting a review on a personal blog is you never know when a "review" has been sponsored. Usually they disclose that it is but not always. That is why many people turn to websites like ConsumerSearch.com (owned by About.com). ConsumerSearch.com has paid researchers that write their "reports". However, their reports are flawed. I say this because the recommendations are made on other peoples reviews. The writers writing the reports usually has no personal experience with the product. And, that personal experience aspect of a review is needed. Like recently, I wanted to buy a weedeater and the "report" on ConsumerSearch.com did not really help. The reports do not focus on just one product but the top brands for a category. Some of the weedeaters I was looking at were not in the report I read. Heck, the one I ended up buying had a bad review on ConsumerSearch.com but I am happy with it (review of that weedeater coming soon!).

Also, there is sometimes more then one report per category. which can be confusing.

It is a good place to at least check but do not take everything said as truth.


Did you buy something that had a "bad review" on ConsumerSearch.com that ended up being great? let us know!

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