Tuesday, April 1, 2008

H&R Block’s Free Online Federal Edition

I have always had reservations about filing taxes online for safety reasons. However, this year I though I would give it a try.
Honestly, I was filing someone else’s taxes for them; let them take the risk, lol. I checked out some of the other companies that offered a free federal edition. I figured I could use a different each year until I have gone through them all and I started with H&R Block.
It is simple to set up your account, and get started with your return. I have done it the old fashion way and did not need much instructions. However I checked out what was available. Every time there was a “help” or “explain” I read it and they were good. Even a first time do-it-your-self- filer could easily get through it with worrying about going to jail, as long as you can follow written directions and know to use the helps when you are unsure. You can always come back to a half done return if you need to get information or paperwork to complete your return (just remember your login information).
You must do one last step when filing online that is necessary and if not done within a set time limit you could have to pay penalties. You must send the IRS a piece of paper with your signature on it. You will get that piece of paper in about two to three days. They do not make it clear at the beginning that you will need to print out a form at the end of the process.
The think it is cheesy of them to charge you for the state version (which you can do free on your state’s website). You do not have to buy it, but I bet many people do because they figure “I am here, why not?”.
Overall, the experience was good, the refund came quickly (through the mail, not direct deposit, which would have been faster), and I would use them again.
Links to some State’s Taxation and Revenue Departments:
http://www.rev.state.la.us/- Louisiana
http://www.state.hi.us/tax/ -Hawaii
http://www.tax.state.nm.us/- New Mexico
http://www.tax.state.ny.us/ -New York
http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/-New Jersey
http://www.state.sd.us/drr2/Revenue.html-South Dakota
http://www.sctax.org/default.htm-South Carolina

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