Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kona Irish Cream Coffee from Hawaiian Isles Kona Coffee Co.

“smooth and creamy with a hint of chocolate.” 10% Kona coffee

I am not really an Irish cream fan, but I will try almost anything once. I first tried it at full strength and did not really like it. It does not taste like any Irish cream I have ever had, nor did I taste any chocolate. The smell of it brewing was nice and incising however you are disappointed after tasting it. I like other coffees from this company (Kona coffee chocolate macadamia nut), this one just did not do it for me. It had a chemical after taste like it had Nutrasweet or something in it.
This Irish Cream coffee was much better brewed weaker (three- four tablespoons for a 12 cups instead of two tablespoons per two cups of water). It is even better when I mixed it with regular coffee ( one-two tablespoons of regular coffee and one-two of the Irish cream coffee).
Other people that have tried it, liked it. But they are less into the taste of the coffee as I am, and would probably drink anything. I used the whole bag, hoping it would taste better after I had drank it a few times, but it did not.
The bag works good at keeping it fresh. I had this bag in the freezer for a month or so before I opened it (had another bad already open) and it stays good after the bag is open (until the bag was gone). It took me a whole to use it all too, so it was open pretty long, however I am sure proper storage and folding of the bag helped.

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