Friday, August 10, 2007

Philips Sonicare: UV Toothbrush Head Sanitizer

Since I am A Bzz Agent (sign up is free), from time to time I get sent new products to sample. This is the coolest so far. Not very many people realize how nasty their tooth brushes are.


This product uses UV rays to sanitize toothbrush heads. It is quick and easy only taking 10 minutes to complete the cleaning cycle, after you’ve cleaned it you can store the brush head in the machine until you want to use it next.
I like the viewing window, aside from it’s functionally (no light, no work) it is cool to have a visual on the inside. I am all for watching things work. Of course, you should NEVER look at UV bulb directly, it could hurt your eyes.


The only real drawback for this is your toothbrush head has to be an Oral-B brand (Sonicare e-series, Sonicare ProResults, Oral-B FlexiSoft, Oral-B FlossAction), and you cannot fit regular toothbrushes in it ( not without cutting the handle off). If it was just a little taller you could ‘make’ it fit.
Note to Philips: It should come with coupons for the tooth brushes that fit in it. I have to go buy a new one to try it. To be honest I like my old toothbrush (an Oral-B CrossAction) better than the one I had to buy.

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