Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M’s

Ever since last summer (2007), when I heard M&M’s came in dark chocolate I have been looking for them. Finally, I found a bag of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M’s, I like the purple color of the bag. It really makes it distinct from the other versions of M&M’s. I hate it when you really have to read a products package to figure out what ‘version’ it is. On the M&M’s website ( they tell you what percentage of each color you get. I do not know how accurate the numbers are but I like the idea of getting more blue than brown, lol, since blue is my favorite color.


All the fun stuff aside, I was unimpressed with their dark chocolate. To me it tasted just like the milk chocolate. It seems like all they did was put the milk chocolate M&M’s in a bag marked dark chocolate. I can see how someone that has never tasted dark chocolate might not notice that it is not dark chocolate, but people that like dark chocolate will be as disappointed as I was with these dark chocolate M&M’s. I was going to get a bag for my father since he is a bigger fan of dark chocolate than I am, but I’m glad I didn’t.

I almost feel as if a childhood friend has betrayed me, because I love M&M’s. I have a pajama set that features M&M’s and M&M figurines, etc… When they had people voting for a new color years ago (blue), I remember voting like crazy for blue and I was so happy when it became the new color. (ah, the memories, lol.) I will continue to buy M&M’s, I just will not waste my time with the dark version until they make dark chocolate better.
I plan to contact them through the M&M’s website and send them a copy of this review.

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