Monday, March 10, 2008

Vanilla Chai Tea (Bigelow Brand)


Someone gave me a few bags of this tea; I have never tried it before, nor heard of it. Of course, I do not really drink Bigelow brand tea that often. The name of the flavor makes you want to try it (if you like vanilla). I wish they had listed all the ingredients instead of just putting “spices” that irritates me whenever I see that while reading ingredients.

The ingredients listed are black tea, spices, natural and artificial flavors. I do not like the “artificial flavors” either, that always make me think twice.
I will admit I had to look up what Chai was. I found Chai means tea. So saying Chai tea is like saying tea tea, lol. It can contain a variety of spices, from cinnamon to pepper. Its ‘proper’ name is Masala Chai.
Bigelow’s Vanilla Chai tea has a nice flavor, it almost reminds me of cinnamon rolls, or something like similar. The strength of the tea’s flavor depends on how long you steep the bag in the water. I do not recommend leaving the tea bag in your cup while you drink it, with some teas you can but this one will get too bitter and nasty tasting.
On the back of the tea bag’s individual wrapper it says this tea is often brewed with milk for a “wonderful creamy” texture. It sounded good so I tried it. I have never brewed tea with milk, so I just added some milk to a regularly brewed cup of tea. It was good; I will have to look up online to see if there is actually a way to brew tea with milk.

I couldn’t drink this tea everyday, after drinking it for just two days it made me feel bad. Now I am sensitive to certain ingredients (like sage), that is why I hate it so much when not all ingredients get listed. I assume one of the “spices” or “artificial flavors” is what was making me feel lousy. However not everyone will have the same reaction I did, so for that reason I would recommend it to people that like vanilla (or Chai).

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